
Named one of the Top Ten Shopping Streets in the World by National Geographic, Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market sets the standard for distinctive vendors,where collectorsand top-notch hagglers including the fashion éclat, artists, celebrities, tourists, and residents shop the market for antiques, collectibles, vintage clothing, mid-century modern items–including home decorations and furniture–jewelry, and more.” – www.hellskitchenfleamarket.com

Last month after spending most of the day assisting in a large-scale tree planting event, I needed to take a break and wander.  So,  I went to one of my favorite places, the Hell’s Kitchen Flea Market. I usually go there to get cheap shoes/clothes/presents (I am not a cheap person!) but especially like to go there to photograph the antiques.  In some instances you feel like you are peering into the past.  The photo that you see above was picked up by Gothamist.

Wanna see more of the Flea Market? Visit my photo set.

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